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An article was originally written by Justine Jacob
All human beings have an ego. My definition of ego is persisting in something and is not ready to give up or let go of that something fearing defeat or giving in to the adversary. If a person says he is always right, I would call him a proud man.
We human beings can commit mistakes at any point in time during our lives. But it is in acknowledging our mistakes before others by saying sorry when we are elevated to a higher plane of spirituality. Most of the time we need to shed our egos before others with humility and self-awareness of our nothingness in this world.
Like a child, we need to forgive other people an endless number of times during our lives. But it is very difficult to shed our ego of being an important person in the family, friendship and community. Forgive your enemies before the sun sets each day. It is difficult but not impossible to practise forgiving others each day.
God forgives all human beings an endless number of times during our life journey. The best example is Jesus himself in the Holy Bible, when he told the adulterous woman; "I forgave you. But never sin again." It is by acknowledging our mistakes, the beginning of growing into mature adults. These adults will become an asset to the family and society as a whole.
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