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"Suddenly you see something outside that snaps you out of your reverie..." It's a little squirrel on the tree in front of the house. It's carrying a piece of hazelnut with it; probably something it found lying nearby the front porch. It tries to climb up at the same time as struggling to hold that piece. The process becomes more difficult, and the poor thing keeps on slipping. After a lot of tries, it gives up; too tired to take more attempts. It looks up at the tree; the home where it lives. It stands like a warm invitation. Seeming to make up its mind, the squirrel drops the hazelnut before climbing up swiftly to its destination. This time it takes a mere few seconds to climb as opposed to earlier. Watching this, a thought comes to mind. What if we all learned to drop the weight when it became too much? Not everything can be achieved at once, especially when we have some load attached to us. When looking up, a few changes have to be made; so that we can reach up to our true destination. Sometimes, it's okay to let go. It all gets better once we drop the baggage. The thought was refreshing, bringing along a lot of peace. The snow continued falling; the glass frosted up, blocking the outside view. The squirrel was warm in its home now. #unlucommunity , #unlucollab ,#fellowatunlu , #creatorsofthemonth

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Mugafi Community
Tanay Sengupta

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