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#FishFlashFiction: The Fishy Affair
Aarti’s diamond ring was missing. She searched her house up and down, turned her bag inside out. No ring. Where did it go? It was just before lunch, when she was admiring how the light glinted off the solitaire while she cut the onions for lunch. Her little grey cells refused to cooperate. Last resort.
“Let me ask Tina to look for it. Ten-year-old kids have sharp eyes. Tina Tina, where are you? Help your Ma out.”
Tina came skipping into the room, a book in hand, “what do you need help with, Ma?”
“My diamond ring, The one your father gifted last anniversary is missing. I looked everywhere. It’s disappeared!” Said Aarti in a rush.
“How can it disappear, Maa? Now tell me, when did you last see the ring?”
“I saw it in the kitchen while getting lunch ready. Then afterwards I cleaned the aquarium with Nitu aunty, then I watered the plants. I don't know where I could have dropped it. I didn't go anywhere.” Aarti looked worried.
Tina jumped into action mode. She searched the rooms, peeked under and behind beds and sofas, peered into kitchen utensils, and carefully looked inside the planters on the balcony. Nothing. Not a glitter, nor a sparkle. Then stared at the goldfish in the aquarium. The Fishy friends always sparked ideas in her brain. Chota Bheem, the biggest gold fish was busy playing with something at the bottom. Tina suddenly grinned and said, “I found the ring, Ma. Get me the fish net?”
“Where? What? The fish net? Why?” Cried Aarti
“Just get it now Maa.”
Tina dipped the fish net and scooped up Chota Bheem(the gold fish) colored pebbles and nestled within, was the ring.
Arti squealed. "Thank you, darling.What would I do without my little detective?”
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![Husna Banu](https://unlu-general.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/website/images/user-profile-pics/h.png)
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